Friday, November 13, 2009

Adult onset A.D.D.: alive and kickin' (my ass)

I try to eat healthy and work out and generally take care of myself. But apparently I've consumed too much sugar or caffeine or something over the course of the last 29 and some odd month years I have been on this earth because over the course of the last few years, I've developed some serious A.D.D.

I should blame my blackberry, the internet, global warming, but the truth of the matter is that I'm getting pretty desperate to (a) leave my current job and (b) find something that inspires me to wake up in the morning (other than my boyfriend's breakfasts and my dog's need to go to the bathroom). This week alone I came up with three new business ideas. This is on top of the shoe company and event planning I've already got stewing in my head.

So is it just ADD? Do you act on ADD? What is the outlet for these thoughts? Because it's sure as hell preventing me from being a productive member of a firm that pays me big bucks to... well sit around thinking about how much I hate the firm and how to leave it.

Apparently I'm not the only one either... my friends and family are all in (or maybe on) the same boat (in their flippy floppies). So what the eff is going on. I'm bored damn it. I just want to earn a living doing something FUN. Is that selfish or stupid? My parents (probably limited to just dad) would probably think so. My dad laughs when I tell him my job sucks. He thinks that making what I make at my age should = "cake walk." At what age does one start living for themselves and not their parent's judgement? Is there a date I can calendar for myself on Outlook for something, I'm dying for that day to be here already.

Maybe I'll write a book. That can''t be that hard to do, right? What about inventing a lock that you put on your food in the office fridge. To keep people from stealing your yogurt or sandwich or coffee creamer? Oh, what about organic products, that's the way to go. Pets and kids. Yea, that's it. pets and kids. cha ching. God, somebody get me some ritalin.

1 comment:

Meg's Ministrations said...

That boat in which you are sitting? Move on over and make some room for me. I'll even bring a paddle and some snacks.