WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!??? I know I know, I've been MIA the last five months (not that anybody but Megan and Beata are actually reading this but humor me, black hole). The last five months have been SUCH a whirwind but I have loved (mostly) every single minute of it. No need to rehash details but one of the major things to happen this spring/summer was mine and Martin's engagement! (cue loud hoorays and giant balloon drop!!!!). With that wonderful news that has come some fun stuff like wedding planning and (gulp) house hunting.
House hunting can be fun and, through most of this process, it was. But, it's no secret that I'm more than a bit apprehensive of the fact that I am moving out of the city. To the Country. Capital "C."
Tomorrow we have an inspection on a beautiful house in St. Charles. 3,000+ square feet, beautifully redone basement, huge master closet that's probably bigger than my condo, in ground swimming pool, and more! I really am in total love. And, if all goes well, by October 1 we will be homeowners!! I
Of course, I'm ECSTATIC about the future but also mourning my departure from the City. So, if all goes well, which I REALLY TRULY MADLY DEEPLY hope it does, I think I will be mixing up the content of the blog a little bit to catalog my adventures in "Country" living. This City Mouse is moving to the Country so I'm going to seek out elements of the city living I love so much and am leaving behind and searching for new adventure and things to love in my new home.
Fingers crossed for tomorrow! Country. Capital "C."
Monday, August 30, 2010
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